Square loaf of bread on dark background for National Twinkie Day

National Twinkie Day is a celebration dedicated to the iconic cream-filled snack cake, Twinkies. This day commemorates the invention of Twinkies, which have become a staple in American culture due to their unique taste and long shelf life.

Quick Facts

  • When is it?: April 6th
  • Tagged as: Food & Drink, Snacks & Desserts
  • What’s the hashtag?: #NationalTwinkieDay
  • When was it founded?: Likely first celebrated in 2012
  • Who founded it?: Hostess Brands, Inc.

History of National Twinkie Day

National Twinkie Day marks the anniversary of the creation of Twinkies, which were invented in 1930 by James Dewar, a bakery manager at the Continental Baking Company. The name “Twinkie” was inspired by a “Twinkle Toe Shoes” billboard. Initially filled with banana cream, Twinkies switched to vanilla cream during World War II due to banana shortages.


  • 1930: Twinkies invented by James Dewar.
  • 1940s: Name “Twinkie” coined; vanilla cream replaces banana cream.
  • 1950s: Twinkies gain immense popularity.
  • 1978: “Twinkie defense” used in a high-profile court case.
  • 2012: Hostess declares bankruptcy; National Twinkie Day likely first celebrated.
  • 2013: Hostess is acquired, and Twinkies return to the market.

Dates by Next Year

YearMonth and DateDay
2025April 6Sunday
2026April 6Monday
2027April 6Tuesday
2028April 6Thursday
2029April 6Friday
2030April 6Saturday


National Twinkie Day is observed annually on April 6th.

Fun Facts About National Twinkie Day

  • The world’s oldest known Twinkie is over 40 years old and is kept in a glass case at George Stevens Academy in Maine.
  • The mascot for Twinkies is “Twinkie the Kid.”


  1. What year were Twinkies invented?
  2. What was the original filling flavor of Twinkies?
  3. Who invented the Twinkie?

(Answers: 1. 1930, 2. Banana cream, 3. James Dewar)


  • Why are Twinkies so popular?
    • Their unique flavor and long shelf life have made them a favorite snack.
  • What is the “Twinkie defense”?
    • A legal defense used in 1978 suggesting that consumption of sugary foods like Twinkies affected a person’s mental state.

Importance of National Twinkie Day

This day celebrates an iconic American snack that has been part of cultural and culinary history for nearly a century. It highlights the creativity and resilience of American food innovation.


  • National Snack Food Month
  • National Dessert Day
  • Hostess CupCake Day