A whimsical cartoonist's workspace: vibrant sketches scattered across a wooden desk, colorful markers, a vintage drawing tablet, and sunlight streaming through a window

National Cartoonists Day celebrates the art of cartooning and honors the creative individuals who bring stories to life through their illustrations and comic strips. This special day recognizes the impact cartoonists have had on society and popular culture through their artistic expressions.

Quick Facts

When is it?: May 5th annually
Tagged as: Art & Culture Celebration
What’s the hashtag?: #NationalCartoonistsDay
When was it founded?: 1999
Who founded it?: National Cartoonists Society (NCS)


The celebration originated from the publication of the first color cartoon “Hogan’s Alley” (later known as “The Yellow Kid”) by Richard Outcault in the New York World newspaper on May 5, 1895. This groundbreaking comic strip featured a bald, big-eared boy in a yellow nightshirt who became the first commercially successful cartoon character, appearing on various merchandise from postcards to cigarette packs.


  • 1895: First color newspaper cartoon “The Yellow Kid” appears
  • 1943: Group of cartoonists begin entertaining WWII troops
  • 1946: National Cartoonists Society founded
  • 1999: First National Cartoonists Day celebrated
  • 2013: Digital comics sales increase by 1,000%

Dates for Next Years


How It’s Observed

People celebrate by reading their favorite comics, creating their own cartoons, learning about famous cartoonists, and sharing cartoon art on social media. Many cartoonists showcase their work and engage with fans through special events and online activities.

Fun Facts About Cartoons

  • The term “yellow journalism” was inspired by “The Yellow Kid” cartoon
  • The Katzenjammer Kids is the longest-running newspaper cartoon in history
  • The longest cartoon strip ever created was over 1,100 feet long
  • Speech bubbles became standardized in cartoons by the early 1900s


  1. Who created “The Yellow Kid”?
  2. In which year was National Cartoonists Day established?
  3. What was the original name of “The Yellow Kid”?
    -(Answers: 1. Richard Outcault, 2. 1999, 3. Hogan’s Alley)


Q: Why was May 5th chosen?
A: It marks the first publication of “The Yellow Kid,” the first color cartoon in newspapers.

Q: Who can participate?
A: Anyone who appreciates cartoons or wants to create them.

Related Celebrations

  • Free Comic Book Day
  • Animation Day
  • Graphic Novel Week
  • Comic Con Events
  • International Artists Day