A joyful group of diverse people laughing together in a sunlit park, surrounded by colorful balloons and vibrant flowers, captured in stunning detail and clarity

International Moment of Laughter Day is a celebration dedicated to promoting joy, happiness, and the healing power of laughter. It’s a day when people worldwide are encouraged to laugh out loud, share humor, and embrace the therapeutic benefits of genuine laughter.

Quick Facts

When is it: April 14th annually
Tagged as: Fun Holiday, Health Awareness Day
What’s the hashtag: #MomentOfLaughter #LaughterDay
When was it founded: 1997
Who founded it: Izzy Gesell (America’s Humorologist)

History of the Day

Izzy Gesell, a humor consultant and psychologist, established this day to encourage people worldwide to embrace laughter’s healing powers. As a humorologist, Gesell emphasized that laughter is as essential as breathing and can significantly impact physical and mental well-being.


  • 1997: International Moment of Laughter Day established
  • 2005: University of Maryland study proves laughter increases blood flow
  • 2021: Virtual celebrations begin worldwide during pandemic
  • 2024: Global recognition as a wellness awareness day

Dates 2025-2030

YearMonth and DateDay
2025April 14Monday
2026April 14Tuesday
2027April 14Wednesday
2028April 14Friday
2029April 14Saturday
2030April 14Sunday

How It’s Observed

People celebrate by sharing jokes, watching comedy shows, visiting greeting card shops to read funny cards, calling friends to share humorous stories, and organizing laughter yoga sessions. Many participate in social media challenges and virtual laugh-along sessions.

Fun Facts About Laughter

  • Laughing for 10-15 minutes can burn up to 40 calories
  • The science of laughter is called gelotology
  • A Norwegian study shows laughter can add up to 8 years to your life
  • David Scott holds the world record for laughing continuously for 40 minutes

Quick Quiz

  1. Who founded International Moment of Laughter Day?
  2. What year was it established?
  3. How many calories can you burn by laughing for 15 minutes?

Answers: 1. Izzy Gesell, 2. 1997, 3. 40 calories


  • Can laughter help with weight loss?
    Yes, laughing for 10-15 minutes daily can help burn calories.
  • How does laughter benefit health?
    It improves immune system, reduces stress, increases blood flow, and enhances mood.
  • Does fake laughter have benefits?
    Yes, even forced laughter can trigger similar physiological benefits as genuine laughter.

Related Days

  • World Laughter Day (First Sunday of May)
  • National Tell a Joke Day (August 16)
  • National Humor Month (April)
  • World Smile Day (First Friday of October)