A serene beach scene at sunrise, featuring a majestic sea turtle gracefully swimming through crystal-clear waters, surrounded by vibrant coral reefs and shimmering sunlight

World Turtle Day is an annual observance dedicated to celebrating and protecting turtles and tortoises while raising awareness about their disappearing habitats worldwide.

Quick Facts

When is it: May 23rd annually
Tagged as: Conservation awareness day
What’s the hashtag: #WorldTurtleDay #Shellebrate
When was it founded: 2000
Who founded it: American Tortoise Rescue (ATR), specifically Susan Tellem and Marshall Thompson

History of World Turtle Day

American Tortoise Rescue established this day to protect all species of tortoise and turtle. Since its inception, the organization has placed approximately 4,000 tortoises and turtles in caring homes while assisting law enforcement with confiscated or endangered turtles.


  • 1990: American Tortoise Rescue established
  • 2000: First World Turtle Day celebrated
  • 2002: Official annual celebration announced
  • 2004: World Turtle Trust funded Costa Rica Leatherback project
  • 2011: USPS released Save the Sea Turtle stamp

Dates by Next Year

YearMonth and DateDay
2025May 23Friday
2026May 23Saturday
2027May 23Sunday

How It’s Observed

People celebrate by wearing green, organizing educational events, volunteering at turtle sanctuaries, and participating in conservation activities. Schools often arrange special programs, including art projects and documentaries about turtles.

Fun Facts About Turtles

  • Sea turtles have existed for over 100 million years
  • Leatherbacks can dive deeper than 1,000 meters
  • Temperature determines the gender of turtle hatchlings
  • Some species can live up to 70 years or more
  • They navigate using Earth’s magnetic field


  1. When was World Turtle Day first celebrated?
  2. How many sea turtle species exist?
  3. What determines a turtle hatchling’s gender?

-(Answers: 2000, Seven species, Temperature of the sand)


Q: What’s the difference between turtles and tortoises?
A: Turtles are primarily aquatic, while tortoises are terrestrial.

Q: How can I help protect turtles?
A: Reduce plastic use, support conservation efforts, and avoid products made from turtle shells.

Related Days

  • Earth Day (April 22)
  • World Wildlife Day (March 3)
  • World Ocean Day (June 8)
  • Endangered Species Day (May)