A vintage collage featuring iconic items from past decades including a retro radio, vinyl records, classic video game controller, and old-style telephone against a nostalgic pastel background

National Retro Day is a celebration that takes us back to simpler times before smartphones, social media, and the internet dominated our lives. It’s a day to embrace and celebrate the nostalgic elements of past decades, particularly from the 1950s through the 1990s.

Quick Facts

When is it: February 27th annually
Tagged as: History & Culture, Thanks & Appreciation
What’s the hashtag: #NationalRetroDay
When was it founded: February 9th, 2018
Who founded it: Robert Duran, Tina Duran, and Hermelinda A. Aguilar

History of National Retro Day

The holiday originated when Robert Duran, living in Austin, Texas, saw his neighbor discarding a projection screen. This inspired him to create a “man cave” where he played classic Nintendo games, which sparked nostalgia for simpler times. He then researched whether a National Retro Day existed and, finding none, worked with the National Day Calendar to establish this celebration.


  • 2017: Concept developed in Austin, Texas
  • 2018: Official recognition by National Day Calendar
  • 2018: First official celebration on February 27th

Dates by Next Year

YearMonth and DateDay
2024February 27Tuesday
2025February 27Thursday
2026February 27Friday

How It’s Observed

People celebrate by disconnecting from modern technology and embracing retro activities like:

  • Wearing vintage clothing
  • Playing classic video games
  • Watching retro movies
  • Using old technology
  • Having family dinners without phones
  • Visiting drive-in theaters
  • Playing board games

Fun Facts About Retro Day

  • The date (February 27) was chosen because it’s founder Robert Duran’s birthday
  • “Retro” typically refers to styles from 20-30 years ago
  • The celebration emphasizes face-to-face communication over digital interaction
  • The day encourages creating memories without social media documentation


  1. When is National Retro Day celebrated?
  2. Who founded National Retro Day?
  3. What year was it officially recognized?
  4. What inspired the creation of this day?
    (Answers: 1. February 27th, 2. Robert Duran, Tina Duran, and Hermelinda A. Aguilar, 3. 2018, 4. A projection screen being thrown away)


Q: What is considered retro?
A: Generally, items and styles from the 1950s through the 1990s

Q: Can anyone celebrate National Retro Day?
A: Yes, regardless of age or location


  • National Vinyl Record Day
  • Throwback Thursday
  • Vintage Fashion Day
  • Classic Car Appreciation Day
  • Old School Gaming Day