Colorful flowers blooming in a garden for National Plant a Flower Day

National Plant a Flower Day is an annual celebration dedicated to promoting the beauty and importance of flowers in our world. This special day encourages people to plant flowers, appreciate their significance, and contribute to environmental beauty.

Quick Facts

  • When is it: March 12
  • Tagged as: Environmental, Gardening, Nature
  • What’s the hashtag: #PlantAFlowerDay
  • When was it founded: 2018
  • Who founded it: Garden enthusiasts and environmental organizations

History of National Plant a Flower Day

The concept originated in the late 1800s in Europe when flowers became a popular means of communication. The tradition evolved from the Victorian era’s “Language of Flowers,” where different blooms carried specific meanings. Today, it has transformed into a global celebration of flora and environmental consciousness.


  • 1768: First seed catalog published by Boulton & Co
  • 1804: “Language of Flowers” becomes popular
  • 1889: Plant hybridization science begins
  • 1900: Formation of garden clubs
  • 1960: National Horticultural Therapy Week established
  • 2018: First National Plant a Flower Day celebrated

Dates by Next Year

2025March 12Wednesday
2026March 12Thursday
2027March 12Friday
2028March 12Sunday
2029March 12Monday

How It’s Observed

People celebrate by planting flowers in gardens, visiting local nurseries, taking nature walks, and creating flower arrangements. Many communities organize gardening events and educational programs about flower cultivation.

Fun Facts About Flowers

  • There are over 400,000 flowering plant species worldwide
  • Flowers first appeared during the Cretaceous period
  • The rose is the United States’ national flower
  • Some flowers, like daylilies, bloom and die within 24 hours


  1. What is Japan’s national flower?
  2. Which flower is associated with Valentine’s Day?
  3. What’s India’s national flower?

-(Answers: Cherry Blossom, Rose, Lotus)


Q: What’s the best time to plant flowers?
A: It depends on your location and climate, but spring is generally ideal.

Q: Can I celebrate if I don’t have a garden?
A: Yes, you can plant indoor flowers or visit public gardens.

Importance of National Plant a Flower Day

This day highlights the vital role of flowers in ecosystem sustainability, pollination, and human wellbeing. It promotes environmental awareness and encourages people to contribute to nature’s beauty.


  • Earth Day
  • National Garden Month
  • World Environment Day
  • National Wildflower Week
  • Arbor Day