A festive illustration of a red-robed St. Nicholas figure carrying a sack of gifts and spreading holiday cheer on December 6th, National Nicholas Day

National Nicholas Day is a special observance celebrating both the name Nicholas and its rich historical significance, from its Greek origins meaning “victory of the people” to its connection with Saint Nicholas of Myra.

Quick Facts

When is it?: February 25 annually
Tagged as: Name celebration, Cultural observance
What’s the hashtag?: #NationalNicholasDay
When was it founded?: Not officially documented
Who founded it?: Origin unclear


The name Nicholas has deep roots in Greek mythology, sharing its origin with Nike, the goddess of victory. It gained prominence through Saint Nicholas of Myra (270-340 AD), who became the patron saint of various groups including children, sailors, and scholars. The name has maintained its popularity throughout history, ranking consistently in top name lists.


  • 858: Pope Nicholas I becomes Bishop of Rome
  • 1825: Nicholas I becomes Emperor of Russia
  • 1964: Birth of Nicolas Cage
  • 1980: Birth of Nick Cannon
  • 2007: Nicholas Sarkozy becomes French President

Dates by Next Year

2025Feb 25Tuesday
2026Feb 25Wednesday
2027Feb 25Thursday
2028Feb 25Friday
2029Feb 25Sunday


The day is celebrated by honoring people named Nicholas and its variations. In America, the name is most prevalent in New York, with approximately 19,742 per 100,000 residents bearing the name.

Fun Facts About Nicholas

  • Ranked 232nd most popular name in America
  • Has an estimated population of 284,597 in the US
  • Most common among white Americans (80.8%)
  • Popular nicknames include Nick, Nicky, Cole, and Nico
  • Used as a first name 89% of the time


  1. What does the name Nicholas mean?
  2. In which US state are you most likely to meet a Nicholas?
  3. What percentage of Americans named Nicholas are Hispanic?
    -(Answers: 1. Victory of the people 2. New York 3. 7.8%)


Q: Is Nicholas only a male name?
A: While primarily masculine, it has a feminine version, Nicole.

Q: What is the Greek origin of Nicholas?
A: It comes from Nikolaos, combining Nike (victory) and Laos (people).

Importance of Nicholas Day

This celebration helps preserve the cultural significance of the name while creating a sense of community among those who share it. It also educates people about the name’s rich history and various cultural adaptations.


  • Saint Nicholas Day (December 6)
  • Christmas traditions
  • Name day celebrations
  • Greek naming customs
  • Cultural heritage days