Delicious plate of creamy fettuccine Alfredo garnished with parsley

National Fettuccine Alfredo Day celebrates a beloved Italian pasta dish that has captured hearts worldwide with its creamy, comforting combination of fettuccine pasta, butter, and Parmesan cheese.

Quick Facts

When is it?: February 7th annually
Tagged as: Food Holiday, Italian Cuisine Day
What’s the hashtag?: #FettuccineAlfredoDay
When was it founded?: 2005
Who founded it?: Unknown creator, but inspired by Alfredo Di Lelio’s creation


The dish originated in 1908 when Roman restaurateur Alfredo Di Lelio created it to help his wife regain her appetite after childbirth. What began as a simple combination of pasta, butter, and cheese in his mother’s restaurant became an international sensation, especially after Hollywood stars Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks discovered it in the 1920s.


  • 1908: Alfredo Di Lelio creates Fettuccine Alfredo
  • 1914: Di Lelio opens his own restaurant in Rome
  • 1927: Pickford and Fairbanks present Di Lelio with golden utensils
  • 1950: II Vero Alfredo restaurant opens
  • 2005: National holiday established

Dates by Next Year

2025Feb 7Friday
2026Feb 7Saturday
2027Feb 7Sunday
2028Feb 7Monday
2029Feb 7Tuesday


The day is celebrated worldwide through special restaurant promotions, cooking events, and home-cooked meals featuring the classic dish.

Fun Facts About Fettuccine Alfredo

  • The original recipe used only butter and Parmesan cheese
  • The American version includes heavy cream
  • The dish is rarely found in Italy outside of tourist areas
  • The original golden utensils are still displayed in Rome
  • The recipe was first published in America in The Rector Cook Book


  1. Who invented Fettuccine Alfredo?
  2. In what year was it created?
  3. What are the original ingredients?
    (Answers: 1. Alfredo Di Lelio, 2. 1908, 3. Fettuccine pasta, butter, and Parmesan cheese)


  • Is it authentically Italian? Yes, but the American version differs significantly
  • Why was it created? To help Di Lelio’s wife regain her appetite
  • What’s the original name in Italy? Fettuccine al burro

Importance of Fettuccine Alfredo Day

This celebration honors culinary innovation, cultural exchange, and the power of food to bring people together while recognizing a dish that has evolved across continents.


  • National Pasta Day
  • World Italian Food Day
  • National Cheese Day
  • National Butter Day
  • International Food Day