A vibrant collection of colorful crayons arranged in a rainbow pattern against a white background, celebrating National Crayon Day

National Crayon Day celebrates the colorful wax sticks that have sparked creativity and joy in children and adults alike for generations. This beloved art supply has become a symbol of childhood imagination and artistic expression.

Quick Facts

  • When is it?: March 31st annually
  • Tagged as: Arts & Crafts, Children’s Activities
  • What’s the hashtag?: #NationalCrayonDay #CrayolaDay
  • When was it founded?: First celebrated around 2006
  • Who founded it?: Origin unclear, but heavily promoted by Crayola


The crayon’s journey began in the late 19th century, with the first wax crayons emerging in Europe. The game-changer came in 1903 when Binney & Smith introduced Crayola crayons, created by combining paraffin wax with non-toxic pigments. The name “Crayola” was coined by Alice Binney, combining the French word for chalk (craie) with “ola” from oleaginous.


  • 1880: First paraffin wax crayon created by Charles Bowey
  • 1902: Crayola brand invented by Edwin Binney and C. Harold Smith
  • 1903: First Crayola crayons sold door-to-door
  • 1996: 100 billionth Crayola crayon made by Fred Rogers
  • 2017: Dandelion color retired and replaced with Bluetiful

Dates for Coming Years

2025March 31Monday
2026March 31Tuesday
2027March 31Wednesday


The day is celebrated worldwide through coloring activities, art contests, and special events at schools and museums.

Fun Facts About Crayons

  • Crayola produces about 3 billion crayons annually
  • The crayon scent ranks as the 18th most recognizable smell for adults
  • Blue is America’s favorite crayon color
  • The first box of Crayola crayons sold for 5 cents


  1. What does “Crayola” mean?
  2. How many crayons does Crayola make daily?
  3. When was the first Crayola crayon sold?
    (Answers: 1. Chalk-oily 2. 12 million 3. 1903)


Q: How many colors has Crayola produced?
A: Over 400 different shades since 1903

Q: What was the first Crayola crayon box?
A: An 8-count box featuring primary colors

Importance of National Crayon Day

This day celebrates artistic expression, childhood creativity, and the enduring impact of one of the most accessible art tools ever created.


  • World Art Day
  • National Coloring Book Day
  • Children’s Art Day
  • National Craft Month