A serene landscape of lush green forests, vibrant wildflowers, and a sparkling river under a bright blue sky, celebrating the beauty of Earth

International Mother Earth Day is a global awareness campaign that recognizes Earth and its ecosystems as humanity’s common home. It promotes harmony between nature and humans while raising awareness about environmental challenges and the need to protect our planet’s well-being.

Quick Facts

When is it: April 22 annually
Tagged as: Environmental Awareness Day
What’s the hashtag: #EarthDay #22april #ClimateAction #EarthDay2024 #PlanetvsPlastics
When was it founded: 2009
Who founded it: United Nations General Assembly

History of International Mother Earth Day

The roots trace back to 1969 when Earth Day was launched at a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco. In 2009, the UN officially designated April 22 as International Mother Earth Day through Resolution A/RES/63/278, proposed by Bolivia and supported by over 50 member states.


  • 1962: Rachel Carson publishes “Silent Spring”
  • 1970: First Earth Day celebrated
  • 1992: UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro
  • 2009: UN establishes International Mother Earth Day
  • 2024: Theme “Planet vs. Plastics”

Dates 2025-2030

YearMonth and DateDay
2025April 22Tuesday
2026April 22Wednesday
2027April 22Thursday
2028April 22Saturday
2029April 22Sunday
2030April 22Monday

How It’s Observed

Communities worldwide organize educational events, seminars, exhibitions, and social media campaigns. Over one billion people participate annually in activities promoting environmental protection and sustainable living practices.

Fun Facts About Mother Earth

  • A year on Earth is actually 365.2564 days long
  • Earth may have once had two moons
  • The Earth continuously recycles its rocks through various cycles
  • The Moon experiences quakes similar to Earth
  • Earth is the only planet whose name’s origin is unknown


  1. What is the 2024 theme?
  2. Who is called the father of Earth Day?
  3. How many countries participate?
    (Answers: 1. Planet vs. Plastics, 2. Gaylord Nelson, 3. Over 193 countries)


  • Why is it called Mother Earth Day?
  • Because it reflects the interdependence between humans, living species, and our planet
  • What’s the main goal?
  • To promote environmental protection and raise awareness about climate change
  • How can individuals participate?
  • Through local cleanup events, tree planting, or sustainable living practices

Related Events

  • World Environment Day
  • Earth Hour
  • World Wildlife Day
  • International Day of Forests
  • World Water Day