A vibrant birdwatching scene with diverse birds perched on branches, surrounded by lush greenery and flowers, captured in natural lighting with a soft bokeh background

National Audubon Day is a celebration dedicated to honoring John James Audubon, a renowned French-American ornithologist, naturalist, and painter known for his detailed illustrations of North American birds. This special day focuses on bird conservation, wildlife preservation, and environmental awareness.

Quick Facts

When is it?: April 26th annually
Tagged as: Bird Conservation Day, Wildlife Appreciation Day
What’s the hashtag?: #AudubonDay, #NationalAudubonDay
When was it founded?: 1949
Who founded it?: The National Audubon Society


The day commemorates the birth of John James Audubon, who created the masterpiece “The Birds of America,” containing over 700 North American bird species with 435 hand-colored, life-size prints. After his death, the National Audubon Society was established in 1905, named in his honor, to continue his legacy of bird conservation.


• 1785: Audubon born in Saint Domingue (now Haiti)
• 1803: Arrives in America and begins studying birds
• 1827-1838: Publication of “The Birds of America”
• 1851: Audubon’s death
• 1905: National Audubon Society founded

Dates for Next Years


How It’s Observed

People celebrate by engaging in birdwatching, creating bird-friendly spaces, participating in conservation projects, and learning about different bird species through educational programs.

Fun Facts About Audubon

• He introduced bird-banding to the Americas
• A first edition of “The Birds of America” sold for $11 million
• Charles Darwin once attended his taxidermy demonstration
• His work features 497 bird species in life-sized illustrations


  1. When is National Audubon Day celebrated?
  2. What was Audubon’s most famous work?
  3. How many bird species are there on Earth?
    -(Answers: April 26th; The Birds of America; 10,000 species)


• Is Audubon reliable?

Yes, they emphasize science-based policy and action
• What is the bird society called?

National Audubon Society
• Who helped found the Audubon Society?

John Muir, George Bird Grinnell, T. Gilbert Pearson

Related Events

• World Migratory Bird Day
• Global Big Day
• Christmas Bird Count
• Great Backyard Bird Count
• International Bird Day